Unicare Health equips new accessible changing rooms at St. Kieran Primary School
At Unicare Health, we unicare about making community spaces accessible for all. Access to the right change room equipment is essential for all children to fully engage in school without any restrictions.
Earlier this month, Unicare Health collaborated with Matthews & Scavalli Architects to fit out two fully accessible unisex change rooms for St Kieran Primary School. This was carried out as part of the school’s special education facility’s refurbishment. Unicare equipped the two rooms with state-of-the-art accessibility equipment solutions, including Alrick Montar change tables and the Luna XY ceiling hoist.
Alrick Montar
The Alrick Montar is a wall-mounted fold-up change table that offers excellent space-saving efficiencies. When folded, there is plenty of space for students and carers to move around the room. This room is also equipped with an Oxford Advance manual hoist: a foldable lifting hoist that is compact, lightweight, and easy to store and transport.
Unicare fitted both changing rooms with Alrick Montar tables: one sized for paediatric needs, and the other sized for adults. Both the paediatric and adult models feature a safe working load of 200kg, making it a versatile table for many applications and suitable for users with a wide range of body shapes and sizes.
The tables feature remote-controlled electronics that enable them to be lifted and lowered. At its highest, the Alrick Montar rises to 950mm. At its lowest, it rests at 350mm. This adjustability allows for transfers at various heights and enables carers to provide care without lowering or straining their backs.
The Alrick Montar features upholstery in industry-grade vinyl, with the frame treated with an APO Polyester Powder coating. It has been designed to suit humid and wet environments and is specially manufactured with anti-corrosion attributes in mind.
Luna XY Ceiling Hoist
The second changing room is designed to be fully accessible. It features both the Alrick Montar change table and a Luna XY ceiling hoist system that spans the entire room. The Luna overhead hoist follows an XY track system, which allows users to be comfortably assisted anywhere in the room. Carers can change the position of the hoist at will to suit varying care needs.
The Luna ceiling hoist system is highly functional and customisable, supporting a safe working load of 275kg. Its track is a three-piece system that spans across the ceiling, with two parallel primary fixed rails and a secondary moving traverse rail. This configuration is also known as an ‘H’ frame system. The Luna’s XY tracking system covers the entire changing room, meaning that it can lift users anywhere with ease.
Thanks to these upgrades, St Kieran Catholic Primary School is now more accessible for students with a variety of mobility needs. Unicare Health is proud to have facilitated this change, and we would like to thank our friends at St Kieran for involving us in this project. Our heartfelt wishes go out to the students, and we hope they have a wonderful time at school. We hope to continue enacting valuable and rewarding accessibility opportunities in the future.
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